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Crystallography PhD prize 2023

Crystallography PhD prize 2023

PhD prize 2023

With its long tradion in crystallography and structural sciences, Swiss Society for Crystallography has also a tradition of awading a prize for the best PhD thesis related to crystallography. This year, the prize goes to Dr. Margarita Rekhtina, at the ETH Zurich.

Margarita obtained her PhD at the Laboratory of Energy Science and Engineering, under mentorship of Prof. Christoph Müller. Her research is summarized in PhD thesis, Structural dynamics of NaNO3-promoted MgO-based CO2 sorbents. We congratulate Margarita on this success and wish her all the best in her fufure work.

The official prize ceremony will be held at the Annual meeting of the Swiss Society for Crystallography, pn 8th of September 2023, 15:40 – 16:15.

PhD prize 2023
PhD prize 2023
