Symposium Hydrology, Limnology and Hydrogeology 2017
The session is open to contributions dealing with hydrology, limnology and hydrogeology at all scales, including contributions demonstrating interdisciplinary approaches. This year particularly welcome are topics dealing with mountain regions and with implications of environmental change.

- Hunkeler D., Cochand M., Christe P., Ornstein P.: Keynote – Seasonal groundwater storage in alpine catchments and its influence on stream discharge
- Scheidler S., Huggenberger P., Anders B.: Integrating geological structures into hydraulic-geothermal models to evaluate the productivity of alpine geological systems
- Kiewiet L., Meerveld V.I., Seibert J.: Spatio-temporal variability in shallow groundwater chemistry in a small pre-alpine catchment
- Addor N.: Keynote – Two ways to overcome boundaries in hydrology
- Gaudard A.: Thermal use of lakes and rivers. Significance, Impacts, Potential
- Mastrotheodoros T., Pappas C., Molnar P., Burlando P., Hadjidoukas P., Fatichi S.: Alpine ecohydrology across scales: propagating fine-scale heterogeneity to the catchment and beyond
- Tischer J., Zopfi J., Giglio E., Su G., Cojean A., Lepori F., Lehmann M.F.: Dynamics and isotope effects of denitrification in Lake Lugano
- Peleg N., Fatichi S., Paschalis A., Molnar P. and Burlando P.: Keynote – AWE-GEN-2d: A new gridded stochastic weather generator
- Pool S., Viviroli D., Seibert J.: Prediction in almost ungauged catchments: Which runoff measurements are most informative for constraining a bucket-type hydrological model?
- Round V., Huss M., Farinotti D.: The hydropower potential of future ice-free basins worldwide
- Roques C., Jachens E., Rupp D., Selker J., Grant G., Lewis S., Walter C., Nolin A.: On the origin of low flows in alpine systems: New insights from a year without snow in the Cascade Mountains of Oregon, USA