TRAINING (2.4.1)

La piattaforma MAP comprende società specifiche e organi scientifici provenienti dalle discipline di matematica, di astronomia e di fisica. Sostiene le attività di queste organizzazioni e coordina e promuove la ricerca e la formazione in matematica, astronomia e fisica.

Immagine: ESO

125th Anniversary of Georges Lemaître

Symposium on 21 November 2019 in Bern


14:15 - 20:00

Luogo della manifestazione

Universität Bern
Hochschulstrasse 4
3012 Bern

Georges Edouard Lemaître (1894 - 1966) was a Belgian physicist, astronomer, and Roman Catholic priest. He proposed an expanding universe and is the central founding father of the Big Bang model of the Universe.

Poster for symposium on 125th Anniversary of Georges Lemaître (2019)
Immagine: SPS

The symposium organised by the Swiss Physical Society in collaboration with the Platform MAP of SCNAT will celebrate the 125th Anniversary of Georges Lemaître, nowadays recognised as the central founding father of the Big Bang model of the Universe. It will take place in the afternoon of Thursday, 21 November 2019 in the Kuppelsaal of the University of Bern. It will be followed in the evening by a talk on the origin of the elements in relation to the International Year of the Periodic Table (IYPT 2019).

Afternoon Program (14:15 - 18:00)

14:15 Welcome and introduction

14:30 Harry Nussbaumer (ETH Zürich)
Lemaître and the Astronomical Environment of the 1920s

15:30 coffee break

16:00 Jean-Pierre Luminet (CNRS Marseille)
Philosophical aspects and implications of Lemaître's contributions to modern cosmology

17:00 Norbert Straumann (Universität Zürich)
On Lemaître's inhomogenous cosmological model of 1933 and its recent revival

18:00 reception/apero

Evening Program on the IYPT2019 (19:00 - 20:00)

19:00 Friedrich-Karl Thielemann (Universität Basel)
Making the Elements in the Universe: From the Big Bang to Stars and Stellar Explosions

Abstracts of the presentations are avalaible in the document linked below.

  • Symposium 125th Anniversary Georges Lemaître: group picture of speakers and organisers
  • Symposium 125th Anniversary Georges Lemaître: room and audience
  • Symposium 125th Anniversary Georges Lemaître: organiser Claus Beisbart
  • Symposium 125th Anniversary Georges Lemaître: speaker Harry Nussbaumer
  • Symposium 125th Anniversary Georges Lemaître: speaker Jean-Pierre Luminet
  • Symposium 125th Anniversary Georges Lemaître: speaker Norbert Straumann
  • Symposium 125th Anniversary Georges Lemaître: speaker Friedrich-Karl Thielemann
  • Symposium 125th Anniversary Georges Lemaître: group picture of speakers and organisersImmagine: SCNAT1/7
  • Symposium 125th Anniversary Georges Lemaître: room and audienceImmagine: SCNAT2/7
  • Symposium 125th Anniversary Georges Lemaître: organiser Claus BeisbartImmagine: SCNAT3/7
  • Symposium 125th Anniversary Georges Lemaître: speaker Harry NussbaumerImmagine: SCNAT4/7
  • Symposium 125th Anniversary Georges Lemaître: speaker Jean-Pierre LuminetImmagine: SCNAT5/7
  • Symposium 125th Anniversary Georges Lemaître: speaker Norbert StraumannImmagine: SCNAT6/7
  • Symposium 125th Anniversary Georges Lemaître: speaker Friedrich-Karl ThielemannImmagine: SCNAT7/7

Adatto per

  • 18+
  • 20-40
  • 55+


Contenuto: esigente

Interattività: passivo

Dentro/fuori: dentro


The entrance is free, no registration required.
Lingue: Inglese
Esigenze meteorologiche? No
A pagamento? No