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TRAINING (2.4.1)

La piattaforma MAP comprende società specifiche e organi scientifici provenienti dalle discipline di matematica, di astronomia e di fisica. Sostiene le attività di queste organizzazioni e coordina e promuove la ricerca e la formazione in matematica, astronomia e fisica.

Immagine: ESO

The CPS at the SGCD

The Commission for Phenology and Seasonality (CPS) presented its main activities and handed over the award to the winner of the 2023 Phenology Competition at the 23rd Swiss Global Change Day.

Immagine: KPS

The Commission for Phenology and Seasonality (CPS) has presented its most important activities at the 23rd Swiss Global Change Day. The CPS supports observational networks, maintains the dialogue with the scientific community and the public, operates the thematic portal "Seasons" or promotes young scientists, e.g. with the phenology contest. The submitted scientific papers were presented at the poster exhibition. In addition, the award was officially handed over to the winner of the phenology contest 2023. Omar Lenzi from the University of Zurich won the contest with his poster "Four decades of phenology in an alpine amphibian: trends, stasis, and climatic drivers".
