TRAINING (2.4.1)

La piattaforma MAP comprende società specifiche e organi scientifici provenienti dalle discipline di matematica, di astronomia e di fisica. Sostiene le attività di queste organizzazioni e coordina e promuove la ricerca e la formazione in matematica, astronomia e fisica.

Immagine: ESO

MAP Young Faculty Meeting 2023


09:15 - 16:50

Luogo della manifestazione

Berner Generationenhaus
Bahnhofplatz 2
3011 Bern

The 2nd Young Faculty Meeting of the Platform Mathematics, Astronomy and Physics (MAP) will take place on Friday, 1 September 2023 at the "Generationenhaus" next to the main station of Berne.

Participants exchange ideas with each other on the topic of time management.
Immagine: SCNAT

Please register via until 11 August 2023. Simply indicate your first and last name and the institution where you work.

The prerequisite for participation is a first research group leading position (after postdoc) at a Swiss institution of higher education (university, ETH/EPF, ...) in the fields of MAP.


9:15 – Registration and coffee
9:35 – Welcome and Introduction
9:40 – Short round of presentations by the participants (2')
10:40 – Coffee break
11:10 – SNSF presentation by Tobias Lambrecht (15-20' + discussion)
on career funding opportunities and transitional measures for ERC Grants
11:50 – Lunch on-site in restaurant "Malso"
13:15 – Workshop "Time management" (Part 1)
14:45 – Coffee break
15:15 – Workshop "Time management" (Part 2)
16:45 – Closing remarks
16:50 – End

Workshop "Time management"

Dr. phil. Astrid Mehr (DENKZEIT GmbH) animates this workshop with the aim that participants acquire tools to set prioprities and actively manage time. They learn how to deal with the unexpected and get more aware of how they sometimes waste their time and what they can do about it.


  • Getting and keeping an overview of one's own goals and tasks
  • Prioritising methods and planning (days) in advance
  • Dealing with interruptions and the unexpected, e.g. du to care duties
  • Reducing waste of time (due to “irrational” behaviour)

Organising Committee

Cristina Benea-Chelmus (EPFL)
Christian Wäckerlin (EPFL)
Chiara Saffirio (University of Basel)
Julian Sonner (MAP Präsidium, University of Geneva)

Logo MAP YFMImmagine: SCNAT
  • Participants exchange ideas with each other on the topic of time management.
  • Astrid Mehr, psychologist, led through the time management workshop.
  • Astrid Mehr sums up the challenge facing young researchers: "There's never enough time for everything. Decisions are needed."  How do I make these decisions that serve me the most?
  • Veerle Sterken from ETH Zurich uses the break for a discussion with Richard Anderson from the University of Geneva.
  • Tobias Lambrecht explains the SNSF's funding opportunities for young researchers and answers numerous questions.
  • Participants exchange ideas with each other on the topic of time management.Immagine: SCNAT1/5
  • Astrid Mehr, psychologist, led through the time management workshop.Immagine: SCNAT2/5
  • Astrid Mehr sums up the challenge facing young researchers: "There's never enough time for everything. Decisions are needed." How do I make these decisions that serve me the most?Immagine: SCNAT3/5
  • Veerle Sterken from ETH Zurich uses the break for a discussion with Richard Anderson from the University of Geneva.Immagine: SCNAT4/5
  • Tobias Lambrecht explains the SNSF's funding opportunities for young researchers and answers numerous questions.Immagine: SCNAT5/5



Piattaforma Matematica, Astronomia e Fisica (Piattaforma MAP)
Casa delle Accademie
Casella postale
3001 Berna

Participation to the event is free of charge. Venue, lunch and coffee breaks are funded by the Platform MAP. Only the travel to Berne is at your own expenses.
Lingue: Inglese